Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Green manure cover crops and another garden parcel

January 5, 2006

Yesterday I aquired another parcel of land when I went to pay my yearly subscription at Monsieur L. Thirty-five euros per parcel (roughly 100m2) and all the river water you can use. Still, with the chateau of the Comtesse de R. in plain view, we the serfs of the C’-ac allotments know that all of this could be taken away at any time. But for the time being, I have enough ground to grow and experiment to my heart’s content. It’s extremely relaxing when my largest concern is how to increase the biomass of my soil. I’ll be experimenting by sowing ‘green manure’ cover crops (buckwheat, yellow mustard, soy beans and alfalfa) on my two parcels until spring planting begins in March.

debra at 10:17 | Comments (0) | post to

Another gushy garden story

January 4, 2006

Why is this eighty-seven year old man smiling? One possible reason is that he has a garden… and neighbours. If I am any sort of judge of things that make one happy, I can report that the addition of a garden and all the things it brings with it, fresh veg and fruit, new friends, a sense of community, has increased my happiness considerably. Yesterday for example, I returned to the allotments to find that my generous neighbour, AlGouche, had pressed the eighty-seven year old Louis into service, installing a petit serre (little green house) for me in back of my cabane! AlGouche (see below) is concerned that, once back in Amsterdam, I’ll worry endlessly about spring planting, but with the serre up, in March I can just get down to business. My heart melted when I saw the two gentlemen happily digging and pounding away, just so that I wouldn’t worry! They even turned the soil, Louis taking very special care to remove all of the topinambour and bits of glass, and they all joked that I shouldn’t gush too much and keep them from their work.

By the way, the first I’d ever heard of Louis was not in the context of the garden, but in a dancing story. Having just returned from a village party last spring, Ktje rang me up in Amsterdam to report the party gossip and to tell of an amazing old man who was passionately dancing salsa all by himself for more than two hours straight. This old man was Louis, the kind of eighty-seven year old that I aspire to be, although it may take me awhile to develop an affinity for salsa.

image: AlGouche initiates the works for the retaining wall/serre with garden neighbour Louis

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debra at 9:05 | Comments (1) | post to

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