Party heartily in the street. Got more street party typologies?
October 4, 2006
Image showing a 1977 street party commemorating Queen Elizabeth’s silver jubilee from the Westbank Heritage website and used entirely without permission.
Since May I have been working as part of the Dott 07 City Farming team, developing an urban agriculture project in the North East of England. We’ve been forming good working relationships with a large number of organisations already quite present in the region in order to see if we can help eachother by getting this project to fly; allotment organisations, primary schools, community farms, a catering college, local cafés, women’s groups, and local farmers. Our plan is to set up a goodly number of small, medium and large mobile gardening containers to create ‘grow zones’ in the city and through the course of spring and summer, grow enough food, and generate enough recipes to self-host a town meal, a harvest feast cum street party at the end of the summer.
Another silver jubilee street party Westbank Heritage website copyright Rex Features Limited 2005. Image used entirely without permission.
Urban greening projects may be a dime a dozen, but we want to experiment with connecting small community kitchens to the gardens, a holistic approach to food production. And by ‘holistic approach’ I mean an approach that includes some partying.
Yet another silver jubilee street party from the Totnes Image Bank and used entirely without permission.
These are some of the images that I found online of entire streets eating together, mostly on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth’s silver jubilee in 1977 and one of a VE party in 1945 in Devon. I am looking to increase the number of street party typologies in my archive of people eating together, entire neighbourhoods, eating at tables set out on the street. I especially would like images that are less homogenous and less Queen-related than the ones pictured here.
An image of a Devonshire VE street party in 1945 used entirely without permission.
Do you have any old pictures of street parties that give an indication of the variety of food served or that veer from the message that these images give? If so, please help me get in touch with you.
debra at 10:53 | | post to
I know this is an old post, but I was searching for Street Party photos for reference for a store window I am designing. Your post reminded me of the below event that takes place in my dad’s town every year:
Comment by michelle — February 23, 2011 @ 1:19
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for the link to Wakworth. Nothing quite so nice as long tables filled with people eating together!
Warm regards,
Comment by debra — February 23, 2011 @ 9:14