Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Micro-green restaurant officially open

November 4, 2006

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Jeanette likes sprouts because they’re seed-related

Roqn-ass opening btw. Merveilleuse! The dear friends showed up, the food was devoured, folks asked for seconds (and got them without a wince) we danced our tocheses off until 4ish and the whole thing ended sloppily with bottles of bubbles (cava goes w/sprouts) being redistributed into all manner of recycled containers. Waste not, want not, love that.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant

And as for the youth of today (who were all diamonds and came exquisitely dressed) I spent at least 3 minutes dancing with a hand in the air, trying to share a joint, and none of those shiny happy kids even wanted it. Hell yeah, it’s HOMEGROWN! What evs.
Must be the New Austerity.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Grow yer own dang food Chef Tallele and Debra, a blur of her former self. Photo Aya van Caspel

To all of our great surprise, the opening event went swimmingly, and if we still like playing with this toy after 2 months time, we may get the urge to share the love. At least that was the sentiment at the end of the evening. Bodes well.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
The Smug One, Arne & Jelena. Photo Aya van Caspel

Tonight is Amsterdam’s Museum N8 (8 = acht, nacht = night) and amidst a whole open town of art and design venues, Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine is the only expression of contemporary culture and superior low carbon footprint values in the form of a restaurant. Does it get any cooler than that? Maybe if we made some money?

Speaking of totally sexy family values, I’ve decided that next week Grow Yer Own Dang Food is doin’ Shabbat on Friday, get more of the Mishpoch to come. Avec leurs parents!

More pictures, if you please read more…
Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Sprout growers w/magnifying glasses

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Rock chives!

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Doesn’t Chef Tal have lovely upper arms?

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Only pretty people are allowed in the kitchen.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Sprouts in the fridge.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau’s interactive garden. Fab work.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
The Ladies Jeanette and Klazien

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Madame Aya

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
We don’t call it Socialism fer nuthin’.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Divided 12 ways, this torrone made a welcome dessert for the Sweeties. 2 grams each.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Handsome and Handsomer.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Marco shows us how to use apparatus.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
The assemblers may have scrimped on the cresses, but the sausage was plump.

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Culiblog cover-girl and chef Marlein Overakker. Photo Aya van Caspel

Mediamatic / culiblog opening of the Grow Yer Own Dang Food micro-green cuisine restaurant
Klazientje looking like someone should paint her portrait and fast. Photo Aya van Caspel

debra at 18:56 | | post to


  1. Dear D.,
    Cannot make it tonight as I left the reservation for too late and all was full. We are going to try for next Friday though…
    ciao, Deborah

    Comment by Deborah Blocq — November 10, 2006 @ 16:58

  2. That\’s oK Deborah, you can be Jew of the Week next week Shabbat dinner. If you need real kosher and not just kosher style I need to know by Monday so I can start a chain of events.

    Comment by Debra van Culiblog — November 11, 2006 @ 19:42

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