Lacto-fermentation, and you?
November 10, 2008
Fermentation is a correlative of life and of the production of globules, rather than of their death or putrefaction.
Instead of using ceramic sauerkraut pots, I used my Grams’ old Bauerware, covering the shredded/salted cabbage with plates and whatever weighty material I had to press and immerse it under the brine.
Towards the end of the week whenever I walked past these stacked Morandi still lives, little bubbles would appear from under the plates now submerged in brine. I understood this to be direct communication from the lactobacilli, that they had in fact fermented the cabbage to my satisfaction.
Just like Pasteur said, “It’s the microbes that will have the last word.”
An extract on Pasteur’s Memoire sur la fermentation appelée lactique (1857)City Picklers video on pickling
The Gut Microflora Story, from the European Food Information Council
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