Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Seed optimism

January 29, 2009

Purple mustard seed harvesting, Debra Solomon,
Harvesting purple mustard seeds at midwinter, more than I could ever grow or eat or pickle.

Hungry Gap butternut squash seed collection, Debra Solomon,
Harvesting butternut seeds in the city, if I grew these here, they’d cover the southern façade.

Bee balm seed pods and seeds, Debra Solomon,
Harvesting bee balm seeds at midsummer, for more flowers than the bees need.

Flow begets flow.

debra at 9:47 | | post to

1 Comment »

  1. Hi Debra,

    Great blog. Is your last picture not of love in the mist (Nigella sp.)seed and seed capsules rather than bee balm (Monarda).

    Comment by daan — April 1, 2010 @ 18:00

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