Gardens and girth,
the real French Paradox
June 1, 2009
Pardonnez-moi, Monsieur le Voisin
My own observational research about kitchen gardens leaves me puzzled as to how folks that grow kilos upon kilos of fresh produce become so perfectly round. No, I haven’t ‘had the opportunity’ yet to ask, so I’ll have to guess.
Are these gentlemen taking the lettuces home and turning them into candy and doughnuts? One of my neighbours used to be a pattissier so I wouldn’t put it past him. Are these large fellows storing the potatoes and carrots in their root cellar in vats of pork fat, and each day pulling out a handful, wrapping it in a tiny leaf of spinach and then coating this in camenbert and breadcrumbs? What’s the cause of all the girth? These are physically active gents.
Sorry round neighbours for making you the sujet of my first entry in a while, and thank you for watering my gardens while I’m away! It’s good exercise!
Vous aussi Monsieur le Voisin au Cot� du Moulin
debra at 14:13 | | post to
So Funny,,,!!! more entry’s please…. You Rock-!!!
Comment by Jeff Pool — June 3, 2009 @ 1:23
my guess is they eat the lettuces and cucumbers with large pork chops fried in butter, with a side of bacon, and a pool of gravy.
Comment by Klary — June 6, 2009 @ 16:40
Any more round male pix from this quarter and i’ll dioxin your garden….
Comment by john thackara — June 21, 2009 @ 21:52
My wife seems to have found your blog…. Ha Ha it’s all good// great, I can love her and covet this blog at the same time…
Comment by jeff Pool — February 19, 2010 @ 2:17
Should we expect anything less from a family-oriented blog?
; )
Comment by Debra — February 19, 2010 @ 15:03