Luxuriating in August’s shaggy garden
August 13, 2009
I have become that lady who rides around town with bouquets of flowers in her panniers.
There’s nothing as fine as a soft landing, leaving one garden and falling into the bounty of the other one. Thanks to the generous watering skills of Gabrielle and the plucking skills of Han, the Slim Pickins’ kitchen (and flower!) garden not only survived my visit down south, but is colourful and brimming with so many nibbles (and flowers!) that I am forced to throw dinner parties to deal with the abundance.
Han photographs her Fleur-op! style bouquet
Did I plant beans and cukes?
It never ceases to amaze me how much a garden produces, even when it produces relatively little. In the urban agriculture circles I frequent, the subject of productivity is constantly being brought up by bean counters, most whom rarely eat beans nor do they have experience knowing how many beans it takes to fill a satisfied belly. The huge effect of my garden on my quality of (social) life would be difficult to measure.
A bed bolted lupine, fennel, shiso and bright lites chard
Maybe it’s because I prefer to forage that I’m not one to plant rows of veg. When picking my way through the garden I shout ‘CHARD!!’ and ‘SHISO-tje!’ as if meeting the suddenly grown up children of old friends. Filling my bike bags to the brim, I love discovering that there’s enough plant-matter to feed me and a few friends in a ‘vegetable-atarian’ style for an entire week before starting at the other end of the garden again.
Garden shag
The prettiness before the glean and clean begins
debra at 16:29 | | post to
Comment by Victoria — August 30, 2009 @ 3:23