Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

The real dirt on
Farmer Wim’s clogs

October 29, 2009

Farmer Bijma in Amsterdam Osdorp uses special stamping clogs to tamp the earth in his rucola/rocket patch. Debra Solomon,
Guess you could nail a shingle to any old shoe…

On a recent trip to the border between rural and urban Amsterdam I got a look-see into the tamping-technique of Farmer Wim Bijma. He produces organic leafy greens that you can order online and pick up on site. Despite it’s reputation, it’s a beautiful bike ride out to Osdorp. If you enjoy experiencing the contrast between a densely built city, and 900 year old farmland, the ride will be entirely your cup of tea.

debra at 11:04 | | post to

1 Comment »

  1. Happy Festivus …!!! and Chanuk-a-ha too…!

    Comment by jeff Pool — December 24, 2009 @ 20:43

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