Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Slim Pickins winter salad
Heq yeah, we’re hardy!

January 21, 2010

Slim Pickins, Jan 2010, not-frost hardy nasturtium cobwebs. Debra Solomon,
But not completely; like gardener, like garden.

Slim Pickins, Jan 2010, frost hardy rocket and garden greens mizuna and parsley. Fertilised with urine since 2009. Debra Solomon,
January demonstration of rocket hardiness.

While I was back in Northern California complaining that no one heats their homes, here in the Polar Circle the canals had frozen thick. We’d had night frost since the end of November, and until last Sunday this garden was covered with snow, some of it a month old. But a surprising amount of edible permaculture was revealed in the thaw! What better way to rejoice than with a Winter Salad Celebration at the Slim Pickins Garden Restaurant, this Sunday.

Slim Pickins, Jan 2010, frost hardy salad greens and frozen nasturtium, Debra Solomon,
Seasonally fresh, right here, right now.

Rocket, curly leaf parsley, mizuna lettuce, fennel, and if it weren’t for my boundless generosity towards the Bird Community in and around Amsterdam Central Station, there could have been abundant broccoli, cavalo nero, and kale. I’ve made a New Year’s resolution to become more aggressive towards birds since I have discovered that they’re not nearly as community-minded as they make themselves out to be.

Slim Pickins, Jan 2010, frost hardy salad greens mizuna and parsley, Debra Solomon,
Thrive little greens, that we may celebrate your winter hardiness, shredded into our salad!

The demonstration garden has proven once again that you can grow and harvest leafy greens in the open ground, in the Polar Circle, all year long. Slim Pickins garden restaurant is open for reservations this Sunday. Bring warm blankets, it’s going to be absolutely freezing, if not bitterly cold.

Slim Pickins, Jan 2010, worm or slug eggs uncovered in garden accident, Debra Solomon,
A garden accident involving one of the beds revealed sub-terranean worm eggs. Or slug eggs. If they’re slug eggs, the Bird Community is cordially invited to tuck in. Otherwise, ‘Birds, back the EFF OFF my Worm Community!’

Sunday, January 24th, 2010:
Late-ish lunch menu-fixe for 4 ppl:

- freshly plucked winter salad, dressed in situ with
*meyer lemon and
**olive oil

* - hand plucked and ferally transported from the ancestral home in California
** - hand plucked, pressed, and ferally transported from the permaculture farm of Annelieke vd Sluis in Meló, Portugal

- cockle-warming home made kimchi-kidney bean soup

- meyer lemon water kefir

- something cockle-warming involving vodka

Reserve now, Slim Pickins seats only 4 ppl! Children permitted if they don’t complain (at all) or trample anything.

Slim Pickins Garden Restaurant, Jan 2010, not above stealing a frozen endive from the neighbours. Debra Solomon,
Chef is not above stealing/recovering a partially frozen endive from the neighbours.

Slim Pickins is an outdoor, micro-eatery situated on the edge of a raised bed, in an urban kitchen garden, serving amuses gueules from whatever the tiny garden has to offer, even and especially when that’s not very much. Occasionally open, rain or shine.

Slim Pickins, Jan 2010, frost hardy salad greens - Restaurant garden fertilized with urine since 2009, Debra Solomon,

debra at 21:28 | | post to


  1. I hate to tell you but those really look like slug eggs.

    Comment by Pia — January 26, 2010 @ 16:41

  2. just wondering what ever happened to you

    your first friend David Swedlove, I lived in Rialto, and you lived in Redlands.

    talk to you soon.

    Comment by david swedlove — February 6, 2010 @ 20:56

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