Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Elder flower syrup recipe
… basic stuff

June 6, 2012

Elder flower syrup, basic recipe, Debra Solomon, / URBANIAHOEVE.NL

Elder Flower Syrup Recipe / Basic Stuff
(makes 3,5 - 4 liters of syrup)

You will need:
5 liter jar
3 kilos sugar plus 1 kilo for later
3 liters water
Elderflowers a’plenty, plucked, unwashed, bugs and all

Elder flower syrup, basic recipe, Debra Solomon, / URBANIAHOEVE.NL

The flowers:
Fill a 5 liter jar ½ - 2/3 -full with elder flowers.
Flowers only, no stems.
Absolutely unwashed, bugs and all.
Remove snails and birdshit, if applicable.

Elder flower syrup, basic recipe, Debra Solomon, / URBANIAHOEVE.NL

The syrup:
The minimal ratio is 1 kilo sugar : 1 liter water.
If possible, add more sugar.

Approximately 3 kilos white sugar
(or as much as will dissolve)
Approximately 3 liters water
(just warm enough to dissolve the sugar)
Pour the sugar, and then the water.
Stir until clear.

Elder flower syrup, basic recipe, Debra Solomon, / URBANIAHOEVE.NL

The time, the taste:
After 5 days, start tasting the syrup. It should taste clearly of elder flower. The entire kitchen should smell of elder flower and when you leave the kitchen you can still conjure the smell of elder flowers in your head. If the flavour is too weak, let it sit a few more days. Depending on the weather and kitchen conditions it may even ferment slightly, that is to say become lemony without the addition of lemon juice.
This is ok, if not desirable.

Elder flower syrup, basic recipe, Debra Solomon, / URBANIAHOEVE.NL

When you’re ready to call it ready, wring the syrup out of the flowers and discard them.
Decant the syrup through a series of fine sieves and cloths to filter out Vitamine Beast.
Don’t worry if a bit of Vitamine Beast remains because… it will simply remain.
It is vitamine B12, a cause for celebration.
Store bottled syrup in a cool and dark place, or refrigerate.

The preservation:
Elder flower syrup is a seasonal product. Enjoy the yearly ritual of harvesting these flowers and getting completely dusted with pollen because it is a supreme joy. The syrup should be used generously and given away freely as a floral sweetener when it is in season (in NL, May – June). Even when refrigerated, it does not preserve well for more than a month or two, and preservatives like ascorbic acid change the flavour considerably. Though elder flower syrup can be reboiled with even more sugar to preserve it for a longer period, beware! You are treading on dangerous territory. Instead, why not avoid all preservation issues by simply using this flowery syrup in season and by giving it away to people you like or whom you want to like you.

Remember, the sugar is the preservative that keeps this mixture from transforming. If you don’t like sweet things, dilute the finished syrup in the foods to which you add it. If you are using elder flower syrup as a sweetener in a ferment (e.g. elder flower kefir) just let it ferment a little longer so that the beasts can eat up the sugar. The sugar is not for you, it is for preservation process.

In general use elder flower syrup diluted at a ratio of 1:4 with water, or to taste.

debra at 18:36 | | post to


  1. Dear Culiblog,
    I learned about you from June of Ryerson/Carrot City the other day when she visited the Week van Architectuur in Amersfoort. She thinks we should connect and share experiences. I was just in search for an Elder Flower syrup recipe for all the blooms in my garden so seems to be like a match made in nature!

    Would like to meet you soon. Groet, Michelle

    Comment by Michelle — June 21, 2012 @ 12:55

  2. Oh please, lets be friends…????

    Comment by Jeffery Pool — August 10, 2012 @ 2:42

  3. Oh please, lets be friends…????

    Comment by Jeffery Pool — August 10, 2012 @ 2:43

  4. Oh please, lets be friends…!

    Comment by Jeffery Pool — August 10, 2012 @ 2:43

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