Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food

Category archive for: Foodscape Schilderswijk

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Do AND talk

Some folks are all talk and no do, but this last year, I've been all do and no talk. Apologies for my extended absence and may this post mark a movement towards striking a balance between the two. Foodscape Schilderswijk: kids initiating the planting of the Wellington Hof Plum Orchard In th... Read more

Posted on May 6, 2011 21:32

Foodscape Schilderswijk,
Den Haag’s CPUF

A scenario for planting espallier-style fruit trees in the Schilderswijk. Illustration by Jacques Abelman. As part of STROOM Den Haag’s (Centre for Art and Architecture) multi-year programme FOODPRINT, I have been commissioned to design a foodscape. Actually I am designing a Continuous Producti... Read more

Posted on September 8, 2009 20:21

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