Food, food culture, food as culture and the cultures that grow our food


July 22, 2004


Aligot is melted Aubrac cheese, chunky mashed potatoes, and coarsely chopped garlic stirred and stirred and stirred in a special p�t d’Aligot until it gets nice and stringy.

Kristi, JT and I ate this delicious goo accompanied respectively by sausage, a confit du canard, and a big plug of Aubrac beef sprinkled with rock salt.


debra at 9:24 | | post to


  1. I hate aligot. Especially its texture. Feels like your mouth is filled with frying fat or some sort of heavy slime…

    Comment by Heleen — July 24, 2004 @ 14:03

  2. First had this while living in France with my wife. Both of us love it and are going to try and duplicate it here somehow. Definitely something to try.

    Comment by Rico — September 29, 2006 @ 3:25

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